Monday, March 12, 2012

Now lemme see yer REAL war face!!

Current progress on Gunnery Sgt Harker...

There's still some way to go. Apart from further shading and highlighting on the metal bits, I'm still pondering:

1) How to adorn the base. Could I really be bothered to get moar flock? But then, I am kinda bored of my usual basing techniques...

2) What to put on that shoulder pad. I really like Wong's idea of having it as something Harker got off a Space Marine Scout. That's just the kind of thing that really adds character to a model. I think I'll stew over this one for a bit...

3) Should I write "BAD ASS" all over the headband?

Next up, Sly Marbo. Here's my rendition of Marbo posing next to veteran Guard commander YH's Marbo.


  1. Some one has been very busy lately...

  2. Harker is nice.. However he feel too muscular. Cant help to feel he almost as ripped as what Col Straken would be.
